Dress For Success Career Closet
Student Enhancements
Student Scholarships
Athletic Scholarships
Hubert Jack Stadium
International Education
LHU Clearfield Campus
Business Department
Sport Specific Enhancements
Rogers Weight Room
Thomas Field House
Welcoming Structure
Soccer Complex
Case For Support: Business Department
Business Lab
At Lock Haven University, we are dedicated to providing students with rich educational experiences and as much real-world experience as possible. The Business Lab will provide our students with a hands-on lab in which they can examine the workings of financial markets and market structures on economy and financial instruments.
The lab’s research tools and databases will be valuable to students and faculty in a variety of courses: accounting, economics, finance, marketing, management, and business information systems. The lab will also be available for graduate students in our new Healthcare Management major, as well as students in the Actuarial Science major.
At minimum the lab should include 15 computers with wide screens, furniture (inclusive of desks and chairs), a full-color LED stock tick and interactive data sources that provides students with data from global markets on a delayed basis. The addition of one to two breakout rooms for meetings and/or group projects would only enhance the lab.
Students will gain real-world experience employers seek in today’s globally competitive market, giving them the competitive edge necessary to gain and retain employment.
Investment Fund
At Lock Haven University, we offer an excellent and affordable education, enhanced with real-world experiences. An Investment Fund would provide our students the opportunity to learn first-hand what it means to manage an investment fund responsibly. The Investment Fund will provide students with the opportunity to manage real assets in financial markets as asset or portfolio managers.
Participation in this program will be open to all students of Lock Haven University. As members of the Fund, students will be required to meet on a regular basis to discuss asset allocation, analyze fund performance, and learn what it takes to operate a well-diversified portfolio. The naming donor will be welcome to attend meetings as well, which will be overseen by a faculty advisor.
Naming Opportunities:
Investment Fund……………………………………………………………………..……………………$50,000
Scholar-in-Residence Program
Lock Haven University would like to provide students and faculty with the opportunity to hear and exchange ideas with distinguished scholars and leaders. Through a Scholar-in-Residence Program, three distinct goals will be attained:
•Students and faculty will be provided with the opportunity to learn from a prominent scholar or leader in their discipline through lectures and presentations.
•Students and faculty will be provided an invaluable networking opportunity.
•Prospective donors will be cultivated for the College of Business, Information Systems, and Human Services and its programs.
Annually during the spring semester, the College of Business, Information Systems, and Human Services will host a leader as a Scholar-in-Residence for a two to three day period. Visiting scholars will be expected to serve as a guest lecturer in courses, meet with students on an informal basis, and give a campus-wide or community-wide lecture. Proposals will be accepted from the areas of academia, business, government, and non-governmental organizations, and reviewed by programs within the College. The Dean and Chairs of the College, with input from the Lock Haven University Foundation, will select the visiting scholar annually.
Naming Opportunities:
Three-Year Program Funding…………………………………………………………………………...$15,000
The Scholar-in-Residence Program funding will be inclusive of: transportation of visitor to and from the LHU campus; hotel accommodations for two/three nights; food and incidentals; campus- or community-wide presentation and reception; Thank You Dinner Reception for visiting scholar; gift to be presented to visiting scholar; and a display case to be placed in the foyer of Akeley Hall to honor the Scholar-in-Residence program participants.
Student Research Awards
The purpose of Student Research Awards will be to promote and reward outstanding undergraduate student research. The award is designed to promote independent research among outstanding undergraduate students in the College of Business, Information systems, and Human Services. The College will award the Named Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research each spring to the five top student research projects presented at LHU’s Celebration of Scholarship, where they will receive a check and a recognition plaque.
Naming Opportunities:
Yearly Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research…………………………………$10,000
The purpose of a Summer Fellowship Program is to provide faculty of the College of Business, Information Systems, and Human Services the opportunity to apply for grant funding to conduct research and advance their research portfolios.
The Summer Fellowship program will award two (2) $3,000 research grants to College of Business, Information Systems, and Human Services faculty each summer. The grants will be competitive, and applications must be submitted to the Dean in the spring semester.
The criteria will be based on:
- The strength and viability of the proposal
- The level of past institutional support
- The value of the research to the faculty member, the University, and our students.
- To be eligible to submit an application, a faculty member must hold a tenure or tenure-track position in the College of Business, Information Systems, and Human Services.
Faculty awarded a Summer Fellowship must provide a written report to the Dean of the College at the completion of the project, provide at least one public presentation regarding their findings, and serve as a mentor/reader for future proposals.
Naming Opportunity:…………………………………………………………………..…..……………..$18,000
Provides funding for three years to two faculty members per year for research opportunities.